All junior golfers up to and including high school seniors can compete in the JGTCC tournaments, subject to the availability of age/grade divisions offered at each event. Junior golfers who are seniors in high school may compete prior to August 1st after graduation. Parents must supply a copy of their child’s birth certificate as proof of age upon request.
Registration and Membership
Any entrant to Spring or Summer Series tournaments receives their membership included at no additional cost. Please read more about the benefits of membership on the Membership page. The goals of the JGTCC include providing opportunities for junior competitors to participate in premier-level, multi-day 36-hole tournaments that are reflected in Junior Golf Scoreboard rankings. We realize the financial hardships that accompany the sport of golf and aim to bring forth opportunities that are affordable, offered at the lowest possible costs to families which represents green fees and practice rounds. For that reason, we encourage families and players to bring or be prepared to purchase additional drinks, snacks, sunscreen, and any needed golf equipment such as balls, gloves, tees, etc...
Sportsmanship, integrity, perseverance, and dedication!
The JGTCC acknowledges the powerful roles of parents, guardians, and spectators in the development of charter and sportsmanship of junior competitors. They are expected to display conduct in manners that positively impact all competitors and reflect the sportsmanlike spirit of the JGTCC and the sport of golf. As a Parent/Guardian/Spectator, you are expected to adhere to the following Code of Conduct:
PLEASE DO acknowledge good shots for all players as well as your child’s.
PLEASE DO adhere to the general dress code, which is the same as the players dress code, during practice rounds or during tournament play.
PLEASE DO NOT check-in for your child – all juniors must check themselves in upon arrival.
PLEASE DO NOT carry your child’s golf bag, pull their cart, or drive competitors in carts during tournament play – competitors must walk the course and carry their own bags, with the exception of the ADA cart approval outlined in the rules and policies.
PLEASE DO NOT talk to competitors or assist competitors with decisions during competitive play.
PLEASE DO NOT interfere with your child as a scorekeeper and allow players in the group to solve problems, make rulings, and verify scores without your involvement.
PLAESE DO NOT distract play by loud talking, use of cellular phones, music players, radios, or beepers.
PLAESE DO NOT take pictures during tournament play – you may take pictures before or after the tournament.
PLEASE DO NOT approach players any closer that 25 yards from the competitors - stay on cart paths to the side of the fairways.
PLAESE DO NOT use or display unsportsmanlike, obscene, abusive, vulgar, or disrespectful language or gestures toward other junior players, spectators, volunteers, host or tournament staff
PLEASE DO NOT use drugs, alcohol, smoking, or chewing tobacco products as a spectator during competition.
Parents Code of Conduct Violation Penalties: In the event of a violation, the parent, guardian, or spectator will receive a warning by one of the tournament staff, and depending on the severity of the infraction, may be asked to leave the tournament site. For repeated infractions, the individual may be asked to not accompany junior to tournaments or may cause player’s JGTCC membership suspension as determined by the JGTCC. Clicking on the SEND button while registering online verifies the parent/guardian has read, understands, and will share the Code of Conduct expectations with other family and friends.